Monday, August 25, 2014

FMEC IMPLICIT Network Overview

The Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) IMPLICIT Network is celebrating its 10th year of sustained collaboration.  There are now nine residencies in the network who have implemented Interconception Care (ICC) of mothers as part of our care provided during well baby and well child care visits up to 2 years of age.  We need a forum where we can share the successes and challenges of implementing this care model.  My question for today is how will we know from a population health basis that this model of ICC is improving quality of life and health care outcomes for women and their families?  Before we implemented this model, we did a baseline survey of mothers during their well child care visits of their one and two year olds.  At this time, we could replicate this study to see if mothers in participating practices have experienced a change in the frequency of ICC they have received from their family doctors during the previous year.  We can then compare this data with the baseline study.  What other outcomes could we study?